Terminal Args

--terminal --dark-mode

Use colors suitable for a dark terminal background (default: False) Default: False Environment variable: PAPERTLAB_DARK_MODE

--terminal --light-mode

Use colors suitable for a light terminal background (default: False) Default: False Environment variable: PAPERTLAB_LIGHT_MODE

--terminal --pretty

Enable/disable pretty, colorized output (default: True) Default: True Environment variable: PAPERTLAB_PRETTY Aliases:

--terminal --stream

Enable/disable streaming responses (default: True) Default: True Environment variable: PAPERTLAB_STREAM Aliases:

--terminal --user-input-color VALUE

Set the color for user input (default: #00cc00) Default: #00cc00 Environment variable: PAPERTLAB_USER_INPUT_COLOR

--terminal --tool-output-color VALUE

Set the color for tool output (default: None) Environment variable: PAPERTLAB_TOOL_OUTPUT_COLOR

--terminal --tool-error-color VALUE

Set the color for tool error messages (default: red) Default: #FF2222 Environment variable: PAPERTLAB_TOOL_ERROR_COLOR

--terminal --assistant-output-color VALUE

Set the color for assistant output (default: #0088ff) Default: #0088ff Environment variable: PAPERTLAB_ASSISTANT_OUTPUT_COLOR

--terminal --code-theme VALUE

Set the markdown code theme (default: default, other options include monokai, solarized-dark, solarized-light) Default: default Environment variable: PAPERTLAB_CODE_THEME

--terminal --show-diffs

Show diffs when committing changes (default: False) Default: False Environment variable: PAPERTLAB_SHOW_DIFFS

Last updated