File Editor

The file editor in this application provides a powerful, in-browser code editing experience.

Accessing the Editor

  • In the file tree on the left side of the application, click on any file to open it in the editor.

  • The editor will open in a modal window, taking up most of the screen.

Editor Features

1. Syntax Highlighting

  • The editor automatically detects the file type based on its extension and applies appropriate syntax highlighting.

  • Supported languages include JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CSS.

2. Line Numbers

  • Line numbers are displayed on the left side of the editor for easy reference.

3. Auto-Closing Brackets

  • The editor automatically closes brackets, parentheses, and quotes as you type.

4. Code Folding

  • Click on the arrow icons in the gutter to fold or unfold sections of code.

5. Search and Replace

  • Use Ctrl-F (or Cmd-F on Mac) to open the search bar.

  • Use Ctrl-H (or Cmd-Option-F on Mac) to open the replace function.

6. Multiple Cursors

  • Hold Ctrl (or Cmd on Mac) and click to add multiple cursors.

8. Comment Toggling

  • Use Ctrl-/ (or Cmd-/ on Mac) to toggle comments for the selected lines.

9. Indentation

  • The editor maintains proper indentation as you type.

  • Use Tab to indent and Shift-Tab to un-indent.

Saving Changes

  • Changes are automatically saved when you close the editor.

  • Click the "Close" button in the top-right corner of the editor to save and close.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Ctrl-F / Cmd-F: Find

  • Ctrl-H / Cmd-Option-F: Replace

  • Ctrl-/ / Cmd-/: Toggle comment

  • Ctrl-Z / Cmd-Z: Undo

  • Ctrl-Y / Cmd-Shift-Z: Redo

  • Tab: Indent

  • Shift-Tab: Un-indent

Language Support

The editor provides enhanced support for:

  • JavaScript

  • Python

  • HTML

  • CSS

For other file types, basic syntax highlighting and editing features are still available.

Best Practices

  1. The editor auto-saves on close

  2. Use code folding for long files to improve navigation.

  3. Utilize multiple cursors for efficient batch editing.


  • If syntax highlighting isn't working correctly, check if the file has the correct extension.

  • If you encounter any issues, try refreshing the page or reopening the file.

For any persistent issues or feature requests, please contact the development team.

Auto-Commit Feature

When enabled, papertlab automatically commits changes to your Git repository. To toggle:

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. Find the "Auto-Commit" toggle.

  3. Turn it on or off as desired.

Last updated