
To harness the capabilities of Anthropic’s models within PapertLab, you’ll need to provide your Anthropic API key. You can do this by setting the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY environment variable, adding the key directly through the API section in the PapertLab settings page, or using the --anthropic-api-key command line option.

Adding API Keys via PapertLab Settings

Alternatively, you can connect PapertLab to Anthropic by entering your API key directly in the PapertLab settings page:

  1. Navigate to the Settings Page: Open PapertLab and go to the settings page.

  2. Locate the API Section: In the API section, enter your Anthropic API key in the appropriate field.

  3. Save Your Changes: Click "Save" to apply the settings. PapertLab will now be configured to use the Anthropic models with your provided API key.

This method is particularly useful if you prefer managing your keys through the user interface instead of using environment variables or command line options.

PapertLab is optimized for smooth interaction with Anthropic’s most popular models. These models have been thoroughly tested and benchmarked to ensure they perform exceptionally well for various tasks:

  1. Installation: Begin by installing PapertLab on your system if you haven't already.

    python -m pip install papert-lab
  2. Set the Anthropic API Key:

    • Mac/Linux:

      export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
    • Windows:

      setx ANTHROPIC_API_KEY <your-api-key>

      (Note: After running setx, restart your shell for the changes to take effect.)

  3. Using PapertLab with Anthropic Models:

    • Default Model: PapertLab uses the Claude 3.5 Sonnet model by default, which is particularly adept at handling complex tasks.

    • Claude 3 Opus: If you prefer the Claude 3 Opus model, you can easily switch by specifying it with the --opus flag.

      papertlab --opus
  4. Listing Available Models: To view all the Anthropic models that PapertLab can connect with, use the following command:

    papertlab --models anthropic/
  5. Using Other Anthropic Models: If you want to use a specific Anthropic model, pass the model name to the --model option. For example, to use a specific version of Opus, you could run:

    papertlab --model claude-3-opus-20240229

Last updated