
Every Large Language Model (LLM) has constraints on the number of tokens it can process per request:

  • The model's context window limits the total tokens of input and output it can process.

  • Each model has a limit on how many output tokens it can produce.

Error Reporting

Papertlab will report an error if a model indicates it has exceeded a token limit. The error message will include suggested actions to avoid hitting these limits. Here's an example:

Model gpt-3.5-turbo has hit a token limit!

Input tokens: 768 of 16385
Output tokens: 4096 of 4096 -- exceeded output limit!
Total tokens: 4864 of 16385

To reduce output tokens:
- Ask for smaller changes in each request.
- Break your code into smaller source files.
- Try using a stronger model like gpt-4o or opus that can return diffs.

Input Tokens & Context Window Size

The Problem

The most common issue is sending too much data to a model, overflowing its context window. This can happen if:

  • The input is too large

  • The combined input and output are too large


  1. Reduce input tokens by removing files from the chat

  2. Only add files that Papertlab needs to edit for your request

  3. Use stronger models like GPT-4o and Opus, which have larger context windows

Additional Tips

  • Break your code into smaller source files

Output Token Limits

The Problem

Most models have small output limits, often around 4k tokens. Large changes affecting a lot of code may hit these limits.


  1. Request smaller changes in each interaction

  2. Break your code into smaller source files

  3. Use strong models like gpt-4o, sonnet, or opus that can return diffs

Other Causes

Token limit errors might also be caused by:

  • Non-compliant API proxy servers

  • Bugs in the API server hosting a local model


  • Try using Papertlab without an API proxy server

  • Connect directly with recommended cloud APIs

If you encounter persistent token limit problems, try these steps to resolve the issue.

Last updated