
Cohere provides free API access to its models, making it an accessible option for those looking to leverage AI in their projects. One of the most effective models for basic coding assistance within PapertLab is Cohere’s Command-R+ model. To get started, you’ll need to obtain a Cohere API key.

Adding API Keys via PapertLab Settings

In addition to setting the API key through environment variables, you can conveniently add your Cohere API key directly through the PapertLab settings page:

  1. Open PapertLab and Navigate to Settings: Start PapertLab and go to the settings page.

  2. Find the API Section: Locate the API section where you can enter your Cohere API key.

  3. Enter Your API Key: Input your Cohere API key into the designated field.

  4. Save Your Settings: After entering the key, click "Save" to apply the changes. PapertLab will now use the Cohere models with the provided API key.

By following these steps, you can quickly integrate Cohere’s Command-R+ model with PapertLab and begin utilizing its capabilities for your coding needs. Whether you prefer setting the API key via the command line or through the user-friendly settings page, PapertLab makes it easy to connect and start working with Cohere’s AI models.

Steps to Use Command-R+ with PapertLab

  1. Install PapertLab: Ensure that you have PapertLab installed on your system. If not, you can install it using pip:

    python -m pip install papert-lab
  2. Set Your Cohere API Key:

    • Mac/Linux:

      export COHERE_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
    • Windows:

      setx COHERE_API_KEY <your-api-key>

      (Note: After setting the environment variable with setx, restart your shell for the changes to take effect.)

  3. Using PapertLab with the Command-R+ Model:

    • By default, you can specify the Command-R+ model when running PapertLab:

      papertlab --model command-r-plus
  4. Listing Available Cohere Models: If you want to explore other models provided by Cohere, you can list them with the following command:

    papertlab --models cohere_chat/

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