Auto Commit On/Off

Auto Commit is a feature that allows for automatic committing of changes to your version control system (e.g., Git) whenever certain actions are performed in the application. This can be particularly useful in environments where frequent, small changes are made and immediate version tracking is desired. However, in some cases, users may prefer to have more control over when commits are made, in which case the Auto Commit feature can be turned off.


Auto Commit On

When Auto Commit is enabled:

  • Any changes made through the application that affect the project files (e.g., code modifications, configuration changes) are automatically committed to the version control system.

  • The commit messages are typically generated automatically and may include details about the change or action that triggered the commit.

  • This feature ensures that every change is tracked immediately without requiring manual intervention, reducing the risk of losing work and maintaining a comprehensive history of modifications.

Auto Commit Off

When Auto Commit is disabled:

  • Changes made through the application will not be automatically committed.

  • The user has full control over when and what to commit. This is useful for:

    • Reviewing multiple changes before committing.

    • Grouping related changes into a single commit.

    • Writing custom commit messages.

  • Users will need to manually commit changes using the version control system's interface or command line.

How to Enable/Disable Auto Commit

1. Via the Settings Interface

The Auto Commit feature can be toggled from the application's settings interface:

  • Enable Auto Commit:

    1. Navigate to the "Config" section in the application settings.

    2. Check the box labeled "Enable Auto Commit."

    3. Click the "Save" button to apply the changes.

    4. A notification will appear confirming that Auto Commit has been enabled.

  • Disable Auto Commit:

    1. Navigate to the "Config" section in the application settings.

    2. Uncheck the box labeled "Enable Auto Commit."

    3. Click the "Save" button to apply the changes.

    4. A notification will appear confirming that Auto Commit has been disabled.

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